Peening Accessories to open Distribution Centre in Singapore

Peening Accessories GmbH is a German company and has been on the market for over a decade.

It maintains a worldwide distribution network with over twenty international distributors in as many countries. The company manufactures most of its products itself or represents brands that are relevant for the shot peening industry.

The demand for the products of Peening Accessories GmbH such as Peening (Almen) strips, holders, gages, software, flap peening equipment, sieve shakes, fluorescent tools and many other accessories have been steadily increasing, especially fast-growing within the Asian region.

Therefore, the German manufacturer opened a Distribution Centre in Singapore to be able to improve its services within the region. The facility was opened in June 2016.

Most products are locally kept in stock. Furthermore, the Distribution Centre will also focus on attending to customers requirements more quickly and providing premium support.

Peening Accessories
Distribution Centre Singapore
5 Tuas South Street 1, Singapore 638059
Tel. +65.6863 4555, Fax: +65.6863 9021

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